OPC Registration

One Person Company means a company registered under companies Act 2013 and having only one person as Director and and as shareholder. Director of one person company hold whole share of the company. In one Person Company require nominees at the time of registration with a view that if Director of the company died the then company will fall under control of the said nominees. Nominees can be change from time to time. One person Company can be converted in normal private company. and in the event of conversion from One Person Company to Normal Private Limited company there must be at least two person as director and two person as shareholder. existing director and nominees may continiue. Name of the One Person company ended with word (OPC) Private Limited. For company registration director must have their DIN and if not holding DIN then first of all obtain DIN from MCA. DIN is Director Identification number issued by Ministry of Corporate Affair and valid for life time

1. ID Proof of Director

2. Address Proof of Director

3. Photo of Director

4. Qualification of Director

5. Valid Contact No.

6. Valid Email ID

7. Residential Address Proof

8. Declaration by Director

9. Name of the Company

10. Objective of the Company

11. Address Proof of the Company

12. Detail of Nominees

1. 1 person Required as Director

2. Director shall be Share Holder

3. 9. Easy to change the registered office

4. Less Registration cost

5. Less Compliance Cost

6. Separate Legal Entity

7. Company can also own Property

8. Company can be shareholder in other company

9. Under control of single person