If in Article of Association do not confer such power then before proceeding first of all alter the Article of Association of the company.
Steps for increasing in authorised capital of the company
Step 1. Call for board meeting to get the approval of the director for increase in authorised capital and decide time, place for holding of Extra-ordinary General Meeting for approval of Shareholder and authorise Secretary or any director to issue notice to share holder
Step 2. Hold EGM and take approval of shareholder for increasing in authorised capital by passin ordinary resolution.
Step 3. File the resolution passed at EGM to Registrar in Form No MGT-14
Step 4. File SH-7 with concerned Registrar of Companies for increment in authorised share capital along with following attachment
a. EGM notice
b. Copy of ordinary resolution
c. Altered Article
Step 5. Respective Registrar will check and if compliance are fulfilled then will approve alteration and as soon as approve company Master Data will also reflect with changed authorised share capital of the company